Did you know that the first hour of the morning is crucial? How you spend it will determine your experience of the rest of your day.

What did you do to start your day? What were your first words when you awoke? Do you remember complaining? Were you concerned with the problems in your life?
There is no one more important in your life than you, and you are your own best friend. This is why it is so essential to take into account how you speak and treat yourself every day. As humans, we often judge ourselves, feel guilty after doing something wrong, and put ourselves down constantly.
You'll be amazed at how much difference it'll make once you start talking to yourself in a more positive way. Using these affirmations will drastically improve your life.
1. "Thank you for today, I'm grateful to be waking up with a healthy body and having my soul restored within me."
Ed Nun
The first thing you need to do in the morning is to give thanks because waking up healthy and alive and being able to do what you love is truly a miracle!
2. "Now is the only reality. All else is either memory or imagination".
Appreciate every day. You can't change what happens to you, the past, but you can change how you react and live from this moment forward.
3."Today I create a wonderful new day and a wonderful new future".
Louise Hay
It is up to you to take full responsibility for your actions. Nobody else is responsible for the life you are living because you shape your own reality every single day with your words, your own thoughts, and your own actions.
4. "I emanate love and joy, complete presence and openness towards all beings".
Eckhart Tolle
Next time you see yourself in the mirror, take a second to look into your eyes and say, "I love you". You can't expect to give love to others until you give it to yourself. If you accept and love who you are inside, you will open your heart to receive more love and appreciation from others. You must always love yourself for who you are, no matter what.
5. "I have tremendous energy and focus for achieving all of my life’s goals".
John Assaraf
Keep reminding yourself that you do your best every day and that you learn from your mistakes every day.
I hope these affirmations help you stay positive, loving, and energetic every day. Please go out and enjoy your life to the fullest.