Here are some tips for strengthening your immune system and preventing illness

We all think about ways to protect ourselves and stay healthy after living through a pandemic, but how can you improve your immune system? Generally speaking, your immune system does an excellent job of protecting you against disease-causing microbes. But sometimes, it fails and you become ill. Can we boost our immune systems and prevent this?
The answer is yes, and here are my 7 recommendations to improve your immune system:
1. Eat a well-balanced plant-based diet
A number of micronutrient deficiencies have been associated with altered immune responses, including deficiencies of zinc, selenium, iron, copper, folic acid, and vitamins A, B6, C, and E. Ensure you consume a variety of vegetables, fruits, grains, and seeds every day.
You can start rebooting your body's digestive system by doing a juice cleanse. Antioxidants, fibers, vitamins and minerals are all present in whole plant foods, all of which contribute to lowering your susceptibility to illness. Minimize processed foods, sugar and beverages that have no nutrients
2. Engage in moderate exercise regularly
Exercise is often thought of as a way to prevent chronic diseases, such as heart disease or high blood pressure, or as a way to remain in shape. In addition to contributing to general good health, exercise also supports a healthy immune system. The good circulation that exercise promotes allows your cells and immune system substances to move freely throughout your body, allowing them to perform their tasks efficiently.
3. Eat fermented foods with probiotics
Probiotics (good bacteria) found in fermented foods are beneficial to the digestive system. By adding fermented foods to your diet, you'll be able to neutralize harmful microorganisms. As a result, the barrier in the intestine will be protected, and nutrients will travel to the rest of the body more effectively. These foods include tempeh, apple cider vinegar and my favorites, kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles, and kombucha.
4. Manage your stress levels
Staying strong is difficult when you are stressed. No matter how much or how little stress you experience daily, your body is constantly trying to cope. My way of de-stressing is to devote time to self-care. You can read a good book, get a massage, go for a walk, do breathing exercises, meditate or simply just get a good night's sleep.
5. Maintain a positive mind and spiritual connection
A sick body is one with a low level of Light. We suffer from negative emotions that cause depression and a weakened immune system. If you begin to view things in your life positively, you will find yourself thinking differently and re-focusing your mind toward a happier, healthier place. It is possible to become our own healers. Spiritual Light will flow through us if we allow it, healing us from the inside out.
6. Improve immunity with herbs and supplements
You will find in a store a lot of herbal products and pills that claim to "support immunity" or otherwise boost the health of your immune system. According to some studies, however, Turmeric, Garlic, Ginger, Elderberry, Vitamin C, Zinc, Wormwood and Echinacea may help your immune system function better. Consult your healthcare provider before trying a supplement, as some supplements might interfere with certain medications or are inappropriate for some people. Another way we can support the immune system is to add essential oils to our daily regimen.
7. Boost your vitamin D levels
Vitamin D may be called "the sunshine vitamin," but it could also be called "the immunity vitamin." Many people are deficient in this important vitamin, which could negatively affect their immune system. A low vitamin D level is associated with an increased risk of upper respiratory tract infections, such as influenza and allergic asthma. To increase your levels, get 15 minutes of direct sunlight daily and/or take high-quality plant-based vitamin D supplements.
Final recommendation
Many factors can negatively impact your immune system. Toxin exposure, poor dietary habits, lack of sleep, and stress can all negatively affect our immunity and health. Prevention is always better than cure. Anything you can do to strengthen your immune system now will pay dividends down the road.