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Restoring the Earth: Healing Ourselves Through Spiritual Ecology

Writer: Ed NunEd Nun

Exploring the spiritual dimensions of our current environmental crisis. Spiritual Ecology is based on the understanding that that climate change, and therefore ecological disasters are a reflection of our inner spiritual crisis.

Walking at sunset has always been my favorite way to feel the Earth, to sense Her pulse, admire her beauty, and breathe freely. It's given me a chance to dynamically meditate in silence, followed by an attempt to be as empty, just to be present and aware of what is happening around me. I tried to listen to the sacred voice speak to me through vibrations from the core of the planet.

Spirituality is often described as the experience of connecting to something greater than ourselves or the search for purpose in life. Spirituality for some may include going to a temple, praying, attending retreats, meditating, fasting, or spending time outdoors. Essentially every form of spirituality that is widely accepted centers around love, compassion, and caring for others, being connected to the source of life, and living an ethical life.

As a result of our industrial culture and its toxic chemicals, and particularly carbon emissions, we have created ecological imbalance and climate change. A deep disregard for both the environment and for the consequences of our actions has led to our present predicament.

Our materialistic way of life leads to the loss of a lived connection with the sacred, an essential part of life, yet we find it hard to solve this ecological imbalance without recognizing these roots? We must recognize that there is a direct connection between our outer (physical), ecological situation, and our disregard for creation's sacred character.

“Just as we should cultivate more gentle and peaceful relations with our fellow human beings, we should also extend that same kind of attitude toward the natural environment. Morally speaking, we should be concerned for our whole environment."

The Dalai Lama

Understanding the relationship between Environmentalism and Spirituality

All life on earth is interconnected, Her elements and minerals make us up. According to Kabbalah, we come into this life for a very important reason, to make the world a better place. As we accept that spirituality compels us to love, compassionate, and ethical ways of living, therefore spirituality compels us to take better care of our planet than we are currently doing it.

“We have lost sight of the true purpose of our existence on this physical level because the Desire to Receive has become more real to us than the Light, which is the Desire to Impart.”

Rav Berg

It is only when we comprehend the root of the matter, the source, that we will be able to resolve the problems that arise from the source. Therefore, we see the entire tree when it is still within the seed as we know that it is already included within the seed.

Our relationship with nature, as humans, is intrinsically based on deeper aspects like our intrinsic need for creativity, peace, and tranquility, as well as our deep connection to the energy and vibration of all life on earth. When we negatively affect our planet, we adversely affect every life on it, every Earthling. By harming animals (including humans), or plants, we are also harming Planet Earth's complicated system.

However, it's also certain that our consciousness enables us to appreciate things like love, beauty, and innovation, or to mourn their absence. We all can feel a desire within to preserve the Earth herself from suffering and sadness, in order to create a world in which we can achieve our dreams and aspirations without harming the one planet that supports the type of life we all love and treasure.

This consciousness recognizes that while a particular rock, tree, or mountain in and of itself may not be "holy", the life-sustaining elements they provide, like the oxygen we breathe or the water we drink, are what make existence possible, and deserve our respect. From this perspective, the environment becomes sacred, since to destroy it is to destroy life itself.

We can see the impact of global warming in our communities, but the severity and life-threatening effects are much more severe and immediate. It encourages the spread of diseases and contributes to pandemics. The Earth is experiencing the fastest rate of extinction since before humans emerged.

Across many regions delicate ecosystems, rapid environmental changes have caused untold suffering to people and animals. Capitalism's "way of life" is characterized by endless consumption, which contributes to global warming, along with a number of other harmful effects that must be addressed ethically.

Individual decisions and actions based on Spirituality can make a positive difference.

The day that we recognize that we harm each other, that our actions deplete the resources of Pachamama, Mother Earth, who gave us life, and that the actual way of materialistic consumption, exploiting humanity, the other species, and nature, lessens the chances for a better future. Accepting these truths into our hearts and allowing our true nature to respond with full emotion, allowing ourselves to feel the longing for better living.

“Everything that exists in reality has the right to exist, to the degree that destroying it and removing it completely from the world is forbidden. Rather, our duty is only to guide it towards goodness, for even a casual observation at the work of Creation that lies before us is enough [for us] to infer the high degree of perfection of Him Who has created it.”

Rav Ashlag

Only when we become aware of the sacred is it possible to begin any real transformation. It is then when we are able to fully internalize the knowledge that we have a personal responsibility to make the world a better place and bring harmony to all creatures.

It is possible for each of us to make a positive difference in the world. We need to take responsibility and act today if possible, it is just a matter of finding your inspiration, and that can only come from the deepest reaches of your heart and soul. I invite you to take a walk outside today, admire the trees and watch the birds flying free in the sky and listen to the wind blowing. Get in touch with your spiritual side by observing nature and communing with yourself.


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