For one to achieve higher consciousness, sexual activity does not need to be renounced for the rest of their natural life. According to Kabbalah, sex is a spiritual instrument for connecting with the Light.

In my teenage years, I struggled as I felt a strong call to the spiritual world. But obviously I had a body and this body wanted to eat and have sex. My inner wild animal didn’t care about spiritual stuff, it wanted to enjoy life.
Wish I could talk to this suffering teenager today. I wish I could help him find balance and integration. It is my journey to become a fully integrated human being that I share with you now. A lack of integration and acceptance is causing so much suffering. This internal conflict is central to many religions.
We face a great deal of shame as we attempt to embrace our sexuality. Throughout our lives, we've been taught shame through our families and communities. We are taught from an early age what we "should" and "shouldn't" feel guilty about, and as a result, develop the capacity to feel guilt. Guilt causes us to reject sacred aspects of ourselves and push them deep into our "Shadow Selves".
Many religions consider their morals to be core principles and universals. Religions with more rationalistic underlying principles have a fixed sense of morality based on egocentrism that is self-defeating and leads only to conflict and disconnection. Instead of religious claims of superior knowledge, the goal should be spiritual integration of Divinity. Thousand of years before dogmatic ideologies emerged, sexuality was regarded as the expression of nature's life force and the mystery of creation.
The Kabbalah taught me that sexuality is spiritual in its significance. I eventually became disenchanted with any religion. Traditionally, our ancient animalistic side has been rejected and is typically seen as a dark force to be controlled by the more civilized parts of us. Humanity is threatened by our wild and sexual aspects, which are seen as a threat to the good old patriarchal order. However, this order is built upon the dominance of the wild, resulting in a crisis for humanity. Integrating those wild parts is the only way to escape that crisis.
The fact that Kabbalah has a Tantric thread running through its teachings may come as a shock to many Kabbalah students. Nevertheless, modern Kabbalah scholars have all stated that Jewish mystical writings and practices contain a Tantric element. Shekinah, the feminine aspect of the deity, may be identified with none other than the Hindu goddess Kali, according to the Kabbalist Patai. Anyone who studies religion, including Kabbalists and Tantricists, will understand the significance of this. It has been suggested by Patai himself that Kabbalah and Indian Tantra share a historical connection, perhaps to such an extent that one influences the other.
The fact that two separate esoteric strains of knowledge-one from India and the other from Israel-have come together shows how all secret teachings share a fundamental understanding of the created world. Postmodern sources have poured scorn on this concept, insisting on the individuality of every culture and religion while denying the relevance and accuracy of what they call universalism.
Tantra practices emphasize the chakra (energy spheres) system of the body, which is similar to the Sefirot - which are the 10 attributes within Kabbalah that reveal Ein Sof and allow him to continually create both the physical realm and the chain of higher metaphysical realms.
Kundalini is ignited by Sacred Sexuality and the energy that goes along with it. Kundalini, a well-known energy system in yogic circles, is an energy system that extends from the base of your spine up to your crown of your head in the form of a double helix. Enlightenment can be found here.
As humans we must create a new covenant with nature and, according to Kabbalah, the path to that covenant must go through our sexuality, our wild sexual nature, because until we learn to accept and integrate the masculine and feminine in each of us, we will still be in conflict with nature.
You might be able to open yourself up to such transcendent experiences if you develop conscious rituals and meditation techniques. It may be necessary to be open to the possibility of connecting higher states of awareness with peak sexual experiences, even if years of training are not necessary to experience spontaneous spiritual sex.
There is no need for spirit to win over matter since they are one at their core. The wild element of our inner animal nature does not need to be tamed; all that's needed is to fully expose it! A spiritual sexual practice is an essential component of the awakening process. It can help you in ways that you might never have imagined possible, no matter where you are in your life, your pain, or your spirituality.